Category Archives: Pacific Ponds
Greens Landscape Nursery and Pacific Ponds Working Together

Can I have a pond during a water shortage?
If you have or ever thought of having...
Pond netting keeps the predators away
Predators can take a beautiful pond and make a terrible mess. There are many ways to protect your pond fish and other critters like turtle and frogs. This is...
Making a nice backyard
Recently a client came to us from seeing a pond we had built for a Home and Garden Show. The couple said...
It is easy to build your pond correctly the first time.
A pond can be a scary undertaking if you have not had one before. With a little bit of help from an experienced pond...
How to choose the right pond for you
There are many different types of ponds. [clear]Which type of pond would you choose??
These ponds...
Which pond pump do I need?
The most common pond equipment of course would be your pond pump. But there are so many different options to choose from....
What is a U.V. Clarifier?
[clear]Do I need a U.V. Clarifier?
If you have a pond without a lot of plants - yes
If you have a lot of fish in your pond- yes
If your pond is...